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The COVID19 epidemic is heating up as the trade show and seminar season gets into full swing. Find out how telepresence robots can allow participants and speakers to be present without having to travel and without losing any of the on-site interaction.

What is a telepresence robot?

The Beam® telepresence robot is an innovative device used as an avatar. Remotely connected from a computer, the user pilots the device within the event location (showroom, exhibition…) as if he was on site. The “classic” physical route is then completely respected.

In the health context, which forces some companies to limit their travels, this avatar represents a new form of mobility, allowing to reconcile both the distance and the richness of human interaction.

Telepresence: what uses for events?

A remote visit and presence service for the public

Whether the participant is unable to attend or is simply far away, it is possible to offer the Beam® telepresence robot. Thanks to the mobility of the device, the user will be able to move freely on the event site (hall, room, etc.) and interact with the people present on site, whether they are stand attendees at a trade show, or employees at seminars and other workshops.

In addition, the Beam® telepresence device also contributes to reducing the carbon impact of the event in question, by minimizing the travel involved.

An alternative for remote speakers and VIPs

For reasons of schedule, geographical distance or even strikes, your expert speakers or VIPs are not always available. Thanks to telepresence, they no longer have any excuse and can interact on stage, via BeamPro®, as if they were present on site, by being physically embodied and mobile on the stage.

A phygital reception experience for the public

Sido 2018

The telepresence robot can also be a way to innovate in terms of reception by connecting hosts and hostesses, or actors who will interact with the public in an unexpected way.

Customize your telepresence robot for your event

It is possible to partially or totally customize your Beam® or BeamPro®. This way, it becomes an integral part of your communication.

You want to know more about telepresence robots for events and our offers? Contact our team now.