On Tuesday 13th October, the BeamPro telepresence robot had an appointment with Rob NAIL, founder of the Singularity University, during the 1st edition of Global Innovation Competition 2015 that took place at Télécom ParisTech.
The Singularity University, supported by Google among others, is a university founded in Silicon Valley specialised in technologies of the future and relations between man and machines. On Tuesday evening, the university launched the 1st Innovation Competition 2015 set to identify “the brilliant minds that will enable us to resolve the great challenges laid down by humanity”. It was inaugurated by Rob Nail, CEO and founding partner of the Singularity University and Zak Allal, Singularity University director in France.
Zak Allal approached Awabot to supply Rob Nail, detained by his work in the USA, with a BeamPro telepresence robot, so that he could take part in this reception. His (tele-)presence did not go by unnoticed, as these tweets will confirm.

Moreover, the french TV program Télématin broadcasted a report about Zak Allal showing Rob Nail using telepresence robot.